I'm Cem Koc.
I'm working as a software engineer at Apple. I'm interested in building distributed big data frameworks, privacy preserving machine learning, optimization and graph algorithms. Previously I was a robotics researcher affiliated with BAIR working under Professor Ron Fearing in the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab. We recently published a paper in the 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
I got my Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in May 2021. I specialized in NLP, distributed/parallel computing and neural code search and translation working under Alvin Cheung. You can find my Master's report here.
In my free time I like going around visiting coffee shops, climbing mountains and building stuff. Its not yet ready but in my blog I will write about my travels, animes I like and machine learning tutorials
Please visit my research page to learn more about my research and see recent publications/symposiums
You can find my CV here
You can contact me at cemkoc95 (at) gmail.com