Hi I'm Cem

I'm working as an ML researcher at Apple. My current research interests lie in large language models, multimodal representation learning and efficient learning algorithms. I am also very interested in model compression, on-device models and machine learning frameworks. Outside of machine learning I'm curious about knots, combinatorial optimization and brewing the best cup of coffee possible.

Previously I was a robotics researcher affiliated with BAIR working under Professor Ron Fearing in the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab. I got my Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in May 2021. I specialized in NLP, distributed/parallel computing and neural code search working under Professor Alvin Cheung. You can find my Master's report here.

In my free time I like going around visiting coffee shops, climbing mountains and camping. Its not yet ready but in my blog I will write about my travels, animes I like and machine learning tutorials

This is very stale but you can visit my research page to learn more about past research.

Contact me for an updated version of my CV.

You can contact me at cemkoc95 (at) gmail.com